You gotta be motivated to try vintage blades, but that's how you get the most from your razor. You can get a good shave using the injector or you can get a very good shave. The Personna74 is real sharp but not forgiving at all. Other old blades can be sharp and will perform great, and there are lots to choose from, You wanna start in the late 60s and go through most of the 90s, with the 1970s being a good decade for many choices. I like those myself, along with the old Schicks I'm selling, plus a couple more. I think Paul mentioned the Gillette Platinum Plus and also the Gillette Twinjector blades, both of which are sharper than any current standard injector blade.
Schick plus platinum injector blades trial#
Tried lots of those and after trial and error ended up with a few favorites. Vintage ones can perform anywhere from crap to excellent. Over the years I have used most of the modern made blades put out by different companies and the Chinese Schick seemed to fit me the best. Looking forward to giving them a go.:icon_razz: To my Knowledge the Ted Pella Blades are not available this side of the pond, but I have ordered a 28 pack of Chinese Schick Injector Blades from Amazon that they have imported from the USA.They are expensive, but only marginally more than what folks are paying for them Over the Pond I personally find the Schick blade more than a tad smoother, especially in a Schick G type. There is a Bulgarian shop on the Bay that sells them, but he asks silly money for them and openly declares he doesn't know how many is in the box you are buying.Very suspect if you ask me.:huh: My daughter is an Officer in the Merchant Navy and working States Side on her next trip and I am going to ask her to buy blades over there for me. There is only one option available for Personna injector blades from Connaught's and they are Stainless Steel PTFE Coated as standard and as cheap as chips when you but them in bulk.These blades are great value for money.:icon_rolleyes:Īs, mentioned above, there are Old Stock USA Made Schick Blades kicking around on USA EBay for an affordable price for folks Over the Pond, but the postage makes it out of the question for us at this side.